Sunday, July 11


Well, I am duly disappointed in myself for neglecting to shower this blog with brilliance, but several occasions, plans and activities in my real life have pushed documenting them to the background. One of these distractions is my new friend, Wilson, who is currently living with me.

I know he is a bit lacking in certain areas, but he listens more than he speaks, which is a fine quality in anyone.

(I do have to admit that it is a little embarrassing how well he fits my running shorts. )

Anyway, I do not know if you can tell from the picture, but he has a very strange texture that I found impossible to work with, so, naturally, I covered him in toilet paper.

This surprisingly effective paper-mache technique has given him a little bit of class, but I must confess myself not entirely sure of what is going to happen to him next. I have a few ideas, but none of them are perfect... I will, of course, keep you "posted."



Anonymous said...

Is his name Wilson, or Winston?

I like him white and granite-y


Maria said...

It depends.

It depends on what I call him.

I think I call him Wilson more often.