I never like my own artwork.
This kind of declaration tends to send my supportive family members into convulsions, but though I am subsequently passionately assured that someone else enjoys it, I am unmoved. You can find someone in the world who will admit to enjoying anything. That does not make it art.
However, I have experienced an epiphany! An "ahHA" moment! A mystical floating lightbulb!
I suddenly realized that I had never stopped and asked myself why I actually enjoy art, what kind of art I like best, or what I am trying to accomplish. How can you acheive something if you don't know what you are striving for? (It is technically possible, but the odds are against it.) I can point out certain qualities that particularly appeal to me in the art I see, but they are sometimes mutually exclusive, and the other questions are unanswered.
This, of course, led to an extremely confusing and somewhat passionate philosophical discussion that spread from the breakfast table to the living room hell bent, at least on my part, on figuring out if art was objective (your perceptions do not matter: it either is or is not art) or subjective (does not exist in the world, but in your mind: if you think it is art, it is). I retreated unsatisfied, and it is still bugging me.
Sorry that this is not a particularly inspired post, but I thought I should say something. Finals are next week, so once I am out of school I will be able to establish a regular schedule to impart my genius to the world. Prepare yourself.
OK, so you are going to tell us when you find out what your goal is in creating art so that you can be liberated and let your creative juices fill the world with wonder?
And you are going to enlighten us with the determination of whether art is objective, and therefore real, or subjective and therefore non-existent? Don't leave us hanging on this points! Our completeness as human beings depends on it, since art is something that separates us from mere beasts, per GKC! And if art is discovered to not exist, will the Sistine Chapel collapse under the weight of all that random color? (Guess who?)
All the former comment was tongue in cheek and full of love, if it didn't come out that way! Seriously, though, do keep us posted! (same guess who)
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